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  • Funding Spring Break and Holiday Travel as a College Student
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Living on limited resources and being a travel freak at this same time looks very incompatible with a college student. According to Lending Tree survey, one out of five students fund their spring and holiday travels with student loans and more than one in 5 student loan borrowers go for extra student loans for vacation travels.

Are you one of those students? or because of a low budget, you prefer to stay behind while your colleagues make memories and learn new things during spring breaks and holiday travels. If you fall in this category, you can rest assured with these strategic means of funding spring break and holiday travel as a college student without drilling holes in your budget.

Whether your dream spring break is to a festival, hiking, beach getaway or excursions, you can have enough funds for any vacation with the following strategies.

Steps to Funding Spring Break and Holiday Travel as a College Student

  • Set a Realistic Budget and Stick to it

Before you think of booking anything, look through your budget and have at least a rough estimate of how much you can afford to spend on the trip.

Start by estimating your total income and expenses for the semester, and see how much you can save for travel.
Then, research your destination and figure out how much you’ll need for transportation, accommodation, food, activities, and souvenirs. Be realistic and don’t forget to factor in taxes, fees, tips, and emergencies: They are really necessary and have some unforeseen surges.

Once you draw a perfect or estimated budget, stick to it and avoid unnecessary spending.

  • Make Use of Discounts and Deals

This is one of the best ways to fund your spring break and vacation travel without breaking the bank. There are many popular websites and apps at your disposal to help you find cheap car rentals, hotels, tours, and most importantly very cheap flights.

Some of them are specifically designed for students, such as StudentUniverse, STA Travel, and ISIC. All you need to do is use coupons, credit card rewards, cashback sites, and loyalty programs to save your money.

  • Travel Scholarships

Do you know there are scholarships that are tailored to fund travel and expeditions for college and university students? Yes, there are. Some such scholarships are Boren Award Scholarship, International Volunteer HQ Scholarship, Golden Key Honor Society Scholarship, and grants.

Also, look for organizations that sponsor students’ travel and give open grants and scholarships such as Go Overseas, Rotary International, and GoAbraoad.com.

Furthermore, check with your school’s study abroad office or career center offices for more opportunities. To increase your chances, make sure you are eligible and meet any requirements attached to these scholarships, write a very compelling statement of purpose, and be on time with submitting your application.

  • Travel In Groups

Another smart way is to pull together your colleagues and friend who is willing to travel probably to the same destination as you. Share your expertise but also the financial burden to cover accommodation, food, and transportation. This will significantly cut down your cost of travel.

  • Use Alternative Accommodation Options

Instead of traditional hotels, explore alternative options like hostels, vacation rentals, or even home-sharing platforms. These alternatives often provide more affordable rates, especially if you’re traveling with a group of friends.

Additionally, consider leveraging student discounts or loyalty programs to save further on accommodation expenses.

  • Cut-Back on Non-Essential Expenses

Another top strategy is to analyze your current spending habit and cut down on areas of non-essential expenses or even essential expenses that you can hold up for some time.

Consider reducing or eliminating expenses such as eating out, unnecessary subscriptions, impulse purchases, or excessive entertainment. Redirect these funds into a designated travel savings account to accumulate the necessary funds for your trip.

Funding spring break and holiday travel as a college student may seem challenging, but there is no way your vacation trip will backfire if you carefully plan and make smart financial decisions as listed in the piece. It is entirely possible

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