My Story 

Hi, I’m Awuah Gideon, and I want to share a story that might sound familiar—because it’s likely your story too.

Imagine pouring your heart into a business, doing everything you’re supposed to do, but somehow… nothing seems to work. That was me just a few years ago.

I was a solopreneur, just like you, struggling to get customers, wasting money on ads that didn’t convert, and wondering if I’d ever figure out how to make my business grow.

But here’s the truth—I almost gave up. Almost.

The Lonely Road of a Solopreneur

Being a solopreneur can feel like you’re on an island. Every decision rests on your shoulders, every setback feels like a personal failure, and every little victory feels like it’s fleeting.

I know, because I’ve lived that reality. I remember sitting in front of my laptop, running paid ads on Facebook and Instagram, believing I was just one tweak away from success.

But week after week, I’d watch my budget drain away with nothing to show for it—no sales, no new customers, just disappointment.

I felt defeated. Worse, I was losing hope.

My Shyness, Fear, and the Struggles

And as if wasting money wasn’t enough, I had another obstacle—I was terrified of putting myself out there.

The idea of making videos for Instagram or YouTube was daunting. I kept thinking, Who would listen to me? I didn’t feel like an expert. I didn’t even feel confident in my own skin.

This fear kept me stuck. I wanted to connect with my audience, but every time I pressed “record,” I froze. I was too shy, too afraid of judgment, and convinced I wasn’t good enough.

I Went Completely Broke

Eventually, my financial struggles caught up with me. I was flat-out broke. There were days when I couldn’t even afford my rent. A friend paid it for me.

His name is Eric Amega. I had put everything into my business, but it felt like my business was taking everything from me instead.

I remember lying awake at night, asking myself, What if I fail? What if I’m just not cut out for this? I was at my lowest point—frustrated, overwhelmed, and questioning whether I should give up on my dreams entirely.

God Saved Me, The Fun Part

Giving up seemed like the easiest option. But something in me wouldn’t let that happen. I knew deep down that there had to be a way to make this work.

So I made a decision: I wasn’t going to let fear, failure, or financial setbacks define me.

I started investing in myself, not just financially, but mentally. I studied everything I could about marketing and sales, but more importantly, I put it into action.

Slowly, I began to uncover strategies that actually worked—strategies that didn’t require huge budgets or hours of trial and error.

I learned how to create ads that targeted the right people, how to craft messages that resonated with my audience, and how to finally start seeing the results I had dreamed about. Bit by bit, my business began to grow.

From Struggle to Success

Fast forward to today—my business is thriving. I’ve sold hundreds of products to satisfied customers across Ghana, and I’ve helped other solopreneurs turn their struggles into success stories too.

What changed? I discovered a system, a way to make digital marketing work for a solopreneur like me—and like you.

I’m now a student at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), pursuing my studies while continuing to grow my business.

And through this journey, I’ve learned one important thing: you don’t have to struggle alone. You don’t have to make the same mistakes I made.

Why StreetWayz Academy?

I built this platform for solopreneurs because I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by the endless to-do lists, to feel like you’re spinning your wheels, and to wonder if you’ll ever break through.

I’ve been there.

But the truth is, you can break through.

You just need the right guidance, the right strategies, and someone who understands what it’s like to be in your shoes.

That’s why I’m here—to walk this journey with you, to show you how to avoid the pitfalls I fell into, and to give you the tools that have transformed my business and my life.

This isn’t just about growing a business—it’s about reclaiming your confidence, your time, and your future.

I’m living proof that you can go from struggling to thriving, and I want to show you how.

So, welcome to StreetWayz Academy. Together, we’ll take your business to the next level—and finally create the success story you deserve.

If you are also ready to turn your business around? Go to the resources I’ve built to help solopreneurs like you succeed, without the burning out.

I also have a digital marketing success training that will help you fast-track your business and get more sales. This will help you grow your business fast so you can retire early and spend time with your family.