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Welcome to this piece of a comprehensive guide on saving money on textbooks. General market prices of textbooks are skyrocketing and it is the student who is feeling it the most: working extra hard to cover up, or you risk lagging behind in understanding the topics which leads to examination failures.

But there is a way around it. We have provided top-of-the-list strategies and tips to help you get around the textbook market, weigh options, save money, and still get the quality textbooks you need for your studies. So let’s get into it.

Understand The Textbook Market

To champion this course of saving money on textbooks, firstly, you need to grab the full concept of what influences the steadily rising price of textbooks in the market.

The factors influencing these market decisions are types such as new, old, rentals, and e-books, Aside from that we also have the editions and the demand and supply factors.

Prepare Ahead For The Semester

You have identified what can make the prizes go higher, now it is time to step ahead of time and make preparations for the incoming semester. Start with:

Thoroughly reviewing your syllabi and textbook list. Reach out to the professors and coursemates to discuss available alternatives and or shared resources. With this first step, you know which textbooks are very essential and those that are optional [ you can get them from colleagues or even professors for free or rent ] to inform your purchasing decision.

Weighing Textbook Options

This is where you take decisions on whether to buy new textbooks, used ones, rent or use online education resources and e-books.

  • Buying News Textbooks

Discounted new textbooks can really be hard to find but not impossible. Great sources to find these books with well-rated available options are BookScouter, PriceGrabber, BookFinder, GoodReads, etc.

  • Buying Used Textbooks

This is a great option to save money on textbooks but make sure to verify the condition and the edition of the book before making a purchase. They are available online and at local bookstores

  • Renting Textbooks

This is also another great way to cut money on textbooks but it is mostly recommended for courses you won’t need in the long term. Also, make sure to return the book on time and in good shape to avoid extra charges.

Most online book rentals offer very flexible rental periods and free return policies.

  • Free E-Book and Online Resources

E-Books or E-Textbooks are also a great way of cutting costs on textbooks. They offer the same content just as textbooks but in digital format. Also, digital resources such as Coursera, SkillShare, and Udemy also serve as great alternatives for saving on textbooks.

A plus for E-books users is that some of the E-books come with annotations, search functions, and many interactive features.

Strategies for Saving Money on Textbooks

Now you have the list of textbooks you must buy and those you can rent or get for free from others. You should use the following strategies to cut costs and save money on these textbooks you must buy.

  • Go For The Books at the Right Time

The right time to make your textbooks purchases is during the off-peaks [ when demand is low ]. During this time or period, the prizes are low but remember not to buy at the campus bookstores. They often have higher prizes.

  • Take Advantage Of Student Discounts and Promotions

A higher percentage of online retailers and bookstores offer discounts for students. Make sure you inquire about these discounts and promos before you go ahead with purchases

  • Buy from Alumni or Fellow Students

If you have good relations with old students who have taken the same course, you can reach out to them as some may be willing to sell out their textbooks at cheaper prices or give them out for free.

  • Form Study Groups or Borrow

To share the cost of textbooks in order to save more money, form study groups with your coursemates and raise money for the textbooks. Better still, borrow from coursemates who already have and are willing to give out for a day or two.

Extra Resources For Saving Money on Textbooks

You can also look beyond the traditional book options and explore the following resources to save more cost on your textbooks.

  • Library Resources and Library Loan Programs
  • Textbook Scholarship and Book Financial Assistance
  • Open Educational Resources [ OER ]

How To Maintain and Maximize the Value of Textbooks

As a student, you will have to maintain your textbooks in good form so as to have the possibility of reselling after your studies and recouping some money back. To achieve that:

  • Keep The Books In Good Condition: Do not write or use markers in the books, instead of folding the leaves, use bookmarks.
  • Sell or Trade the Textbooks: You may consider selling or trading the textbooks after a semester. Buyback programs and online marketplaces can help you make some money back


Saving money on textbooks is part of your financial journey in college and it will surely go well beyond college if you make the best of the points we discussed here.

Understanding the textbook market, taking first-step preparations ahead of time, weighing textbook options ad using the strategies will surely save you a lot of money and reduce your burden in college.

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