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In this article, we will look at some of the top websites to make free calls without registration. Usually, we have a lot of mobile applications and websites that enable you to make calls over the internet (VoIP). Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) is the ability to make phone calls over the internet.

Most of these apps and websites that allow you to make calls over the internet requires you to register and also purchase call credit. Some of these VoIP services which require registration and purchase of credit include; google voice, and skype.

In this post, we will list some of the websites that will allow you to make free calls online without the need to register or signup and even without installing their apps on your computer or smartphone.

Websites to Make Free Calls Without Registration

The table below is a list of the top ten websites that allows you to make calls especially if you are in the US, UK, India, and other major states or countries.

Name of WebsiteLink
1. GlobfoneVisit
2. iEvaPhonevisit
3. Call2RriendsVisit
4. CitrusTelVisit
5. POPTOXVisit
6. SPYTOXVisit
7. Make Free Calls OnlineVisit
8. ZlookupVisit
9. Google HangOutVisit
10. WePhone*Visit
Table of websites to make free calls without registration

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1. Globfone

Globfone is an online platform that allows you to make free calls and text others for free. Although this is first on our list it doesn’t mean it is the best, we have other alternatives in this which are also the best in their own ways.

Globfone enables you to make free calls to the USA, India, the UK, and many other countries to mobiles and landlines, absolutely free. You can also send SMS, share files and also make video calls all for free.

As the subject of this post shows, you can make all of the above; make calls, send SMS, and make video calls without the need to log in. Just go to their website at globfone.com, dial and call your number.

2. iEvaPhone

Similar to Globfone, iEvaPhone also does a similar thing. It enables you to call others from different countries and also local calls.

All you have to do is to visit their visit www.ievaphone.com, and dial your number in the mobile phone simulator that will be presented to you.

3. Call2Rriends

Call2Friends is a free call service that enables you to make calls to others in another country without necessarily logging in or signing up.

They also have amazing premium offers which are far less expensive than using your normal call credit. Such as you can call a US number for 625 minutes for only $5.00 which is around $0.008/min.

4. CitrusTel

With just your web browser and your internet connectivity, CitrusTel gives you the opportunity to call friends and loved ones using their platform which does not require any signup.

They also have a reverse phone number lookup which allows you to search for the owner of a number and check whether a number has been engaged in any scam activity.

Since they also need to make money out of their services, they also have premium plans that allow you to make more calls for a longer time.

5. PopTox

PopTox allows you to make free VOIP calls from your PC or Smartphone over WiFi or the internet. PopTox can be accessed with any ordinary web browser.

There’s no need to install any programs or plug-ins. There is no need to pay anything. To make your first free call, simply enter the phone number and press the “Call” button. Use our web-based free calling tool to make completely free calls!


Although you can make free calls using SPYTOX it is mostly one of the world’s leading online people search engines. Over 275 million people in the United States have extensive personal information, including cell phone numbers. SPTOX is one of the top-ranking domains for human information, answering approximately 3 million searches every day.

7. Make Free Calls Online

Make Free Calls Online as the name goes allows one to make free calls without registering. All you have to do is just visit their website, and dial the number you want to call in the phone simulator that will be provided.

8. Zlookup

Zlookup is similar to SPYTOX, it is mainly used as a number finder that you can use to find the details of a number but they have provided an option for you to call other numbers too for a short period.

9. Google HangOut

You may think that “wait! you need a Google account before you can use Google HangOut.”. Yes, it is true, before you can use Google HangOut, you need to have a Google account. I added this to the list because almost everybody has a Gmail account or any other Google products or services.

Google HangOut enables you to call others worldwide for free. Although they are not available in some countries others are utilizing them a lot.

10. WePhone

I added WePhone because their offers are amazingly great. You can call countries like Canada, the US, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, China, and others at very affordable rates as compared to others,

They also have an SMS portal that allows you to send either single SMS or Bulk SMS to your friends, family, customers, etc. at very cheap rates.

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You can see that almost all the above websites have paid options that give better and quality services. Others too are reverse phone numbers or number lookup. Other websites offer SMS services.

Note that, most of these websites won’t work as expected and may not be available in all countries.

Comment on your favorite websites and your experience with any of the services. This will help others to make the best choice. The team at Techlocust will like to hear your feedback to improve the post later.

Thank you for your time with us and we believe you have seen 10 websites to make free calls without registration. You can also share it to others you think may find this useful.

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