Are you someone who is looking for how to delete Parcel Pending account but doesn’t know how? Maybe you’re someone who is fed up with the company and wants to get rid of them for good. Perhaps you’re moving and don’t need their services anymore.

Whatever the reason, we’re here to help you delete your Parcel Pending account in just a few simple steps.

By the end of this blog post, you will know exactly how to delete your Parcel Pending account and will be free of the company.

What is Parcel pending?

Parcel Pending is one of the best solutions for package management for residential, business, retail, and academic properties.

With Parcel Pending, users can use their smartphone to manage the parcel locker system directly using the Parcel Pending mobile application.

Residents only need to hit a button on their phones to open the associated locker. After that, the recipient is free to pick up their package and continue with their day.

How to delete parcel pending account

If you are trying to delete your Parcel Pending account, but aren’t sure how?

The first thing you need to do is to call your app subscription whether you are an Andriod user or an iPhone user. If you fail to cancel your subscription, it will be renewed automatically so take note.

After you have successfully canceled your subscription, then the next stage is to request account deletions or cancellation through email. This is because, unlike other platforms, there is no account deletion option in their app.

Follow the steps below to know the process of how to delete Parcel Pending account.

  1. Open your email, whether Gmail, yahoo mail, or any other email platform.
  2. Compose a new email by clicking on Compose.
  3. At the To field, enter the email address of Parcel Pending support team or
  4. In the Subject field, enter something like “Request to delete my account” or “Account deletion request“.
  5. Finally, type the reason why you want your account to be deleted from their platform at the message or the body field.
  6. Now click on the Send button to send your email.

Note: Make sure you use the same email account that you used to register your Parcel Pending account and provide all details of the account in the message box. Also, after sending your email, it may take some time like days for them to complete your request.

What is a Parcel Pending account?

Parcel Pending account allows you to manage your Parcel Pending products using the mobile application which you can use anywhere.

Does Parcel Pending work with Amazon?

Yes, parcel pending works with Amazon by going to the Parcel Pending locker room and retrieving your package by typing your unique access code into the screen.

How does my parcel pending work?

A user’s smartphone can interface with the parcel locker system directly using the Parcel Pending app. Residents only need to hit a button on their phones to open the associated locker. After that, the recipient is free to pick up their package and continue with their day.

How long does mail stay in the parcel locker?

Mostly, mail stays in the parcel locker for 7 to 10 days. This could be more or less depending on many unexpected factors.

How to delete parcel pending account?

You can delete your parcel pending account by sending an email to the support team at or to request for account deletion.

In Summary

We looked at how to delete parcel pending account if you don’t want to use it again. You can simply do that by sending the support team or the privacy team at Quadrient to request account deletion.

The team may close your parcel pending account depending on the proof you showed them that the account is really yours within some time.

However, if you are comfortable calling the customer support center via phone, then users from the UK can call 0845-880-0000, and users in the USA can also call 855-751-1839.

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